
CCA has long supported ending the multiple application processes involved in DGR and charitable status. Reforming DGR to ensure that most DGR organisations are listed with the ACNC and ending the role of separate registers run at a Departmental level makes good sense, reduces red tape and compliance, increases transparency, and is a sound practical policy initiative. Similarly, the move to streamline the public fund requirements has long been supported across the charities sector. CCA welcomes these proposed reforms. CCA has serious reservations about a number of other proposed reforms and...

CCA's submission outlines key areas of opportunity and concern in relation to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into Charitable Fundraising.

CCA welcomes the opportunity to engage with the Senate Select Committee on this very important issue.

CCA is a member of the fixfundraising coalition, has liaised extensively with Justice Connect and supports their submission.  Parts of this submission reflect this convergence.

This submission outlines key areas of opportunity and concern for the Community Council for Australia (CCA) in relation to the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service (the Review).

CCA welcomes the opportunity to engage with the Review and its work to improve the capability and performance of the Australian Public Service, and is keen to engage in further discussion as the Review’s recommendations are developed and considered.

CCA commends the government on pursuing an Open Government agenda.  Greater transparency, participation and accountability in government will drive real improvements in performance and better outcomes for the Australian community.  However, this requires governments to commit to collecting and making public a much higher level of outcome and impact reporting, not just of the services they contract, but of their own performance in achieving government policy goals.

CCA generally welcomes the intention of the amendments proposed by Attorney General, Christian Porter - but calls for areas of uncertainty to be resolved -  and remains confused as to why charities pursuing their charitable purpose are not excluded when business groups, non-charitable peak bodies and others are exempt.  The cost to Australia of reducing international collaboration by charities and their engagement in the public policy process would be extremely high.  Ideally the Bill will exclude Australian registered charities engaged in their normal activities and pursuing their...